Dear all,


we still need to find a solution for our monthly call. Unfortunately there is no slot that suits all of us. I had again a closer look at our “best” options with 9 or 10 “yes/if need be” answers.

This is it (initials in brackets indicate those members who voted “no, I can’t make it”):


Mon 13Z (VB, EB)

Tue 19Z (MT, EB); 20Z (MT, HC); 21Z (MT, HC)

Fri 19Z (MT, EB); 20Z (MT); 21Z (MT, HC)


Narrowing this down to the smallest overlap of people who can’t make it, Mon 13Z and Fri 20Z are remaining. Therefore, I suggest to alternate every month between Monday and Friday in order to enable everyone to at least attend once every second month.  

I created another doodle poll with dates in the 3rd and 4th week of October to set a starting date. Please vote!

(I hope you can see it in your time zone)


I am aware that this is hardly an ideal solution, but I don’t see another option yet.


Best wishes,
