Dear all,

The next Stylesheets meeting will take place on Friday August 26th at 15.00Z (8.00 PDT, 11.00 EDT, 17.00 CEST).

Concerning the agenda, I will like to discuss whether is worth maintaining epub versions other than epub3, thus, if you have a strong opinion about this and you cannot make it to the meeting, you should leave a comment in the agenda (and we would postpone the discussion if it seems that we won’t reach a consensus). If you have other tickets/comments that you would like us to discuss during the meeting, do not hesitate to add them to the



Université de Neuchâtel Helena Bermúdez Sabel
Post-doctorante FNS
Institute des sciences du langage
Université de Neuchâtel
Rue Pierre-à-Mazel 7
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Tél. +41 32 718 16 21