Re: [Indic-texts] Pandit Project - Behavior change - Extract entity type

Thank you very much for this update, and for your continued work on this wonderful tool. Dominik -- Professor Dominik Wujastyk <> , Singhmar Chair in Classical Indian Society and Polity , Department of History and Classics <> , University of Alberta, Canada . South Asia at the U of A: On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 at 11:58, Amir Simantov <> wrote:
Dear contributors,
I write to you all as you are the active manuscript extracts contributors.
The first months of your hard work helped us understand how we can improve the behavior of the data entering. No need spotted for structure changes, though.
The behavior changes are:
1. You can add more than one extract of each kind for a manuscript. The prompting link to add a new extract from within a manuscript is one: "Add an extract". 2. You can change the extract kind after creation. No need to unpublish an extract and add another one instead. Thanks Jonathan Peterson who helped us understand that this change is needed. 3. You can add an extract for a manuscript that is *not* related to a specific work. Use it when the extract text is manuscript-specific and not to a work that is written in the manuscript. Thanks to Dominik Wujastyk for his advice on this issue. 4. You have to choose the work from the select list in the editing form of the extract entity. If the extract is not specific for one work then tick the checkbox "Not work-specific".
Note there is no need to edit and change existing extracts; this email is just to share with you what we did.
Please report on any behavior you suspect to be a bug!
We may also improve the *presentation* of the extracts in the manuscript page if we get creative input on it from you :)
Thanks, Amir (Pandit programmer)
participants (1)
Dominik Wujastyk