Dear colleagues,

Say we have declared three witnesses P Q and R and we are facing a scenario whereby the accepted reading is in one case the result of scribal correction in the witness.

Say that the display I desire is like this:

vijayaḥ Ppc Qvajayaḥ Pac vajayo R 

How do I get there? I am surprised to find no guidance in the TEI guidelines.

I have imagined the following two encoding approaches. What do you think?

  <lem wit=”#P #Q”>vijayaḥ</lem>
<rdg wit=”#P”><sic>vajayaḥ</sic></rdg>
 <rdg wit=”#R”>vajayo</rdg>
and its counterpart if it is actually the ac reading that is accepted:
  <lem wit=”#P #Q”>vijayaḥ</lem>
<rdg wit=”#P”><corr>vajayaḥ</corr></rdg>
 <rdg wit=”#R”>vajayo</rdg>

  <lem wit=”#P #Q”>vijayaḥ</lem>
<rdg wit=”#P” type=”ac”>vajayaḥ</sic></rdg>
 <rdg wit=”#R”>vajayo</rdg>
and its counterpart if it is actually the ac reading that is accepted:
  <lem wit=”#P #Q”>vijayaḥ</lem>
<rdg wit=”#P” type=”pc”>vajayaḥ</sic></rdg>
 <rdg wit=”#R”>vajayo</rdg>

Thanks and best wishes,
