Yes, there will be such a panel at the WSC and I'll be participating in it. I hope this will serve as a venue for us to meet. Yours, Peter ****************************** Peter M. Scharf, President The Sanskrit Library scharf@sanskritlibrary.org http://sanskritlibrary.org ******************************
On 14 Apr. 2018, at 1:50 PM, Balogh Dániel <danbalogh@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm afraid I won't be going to the TEI conference either. However, how many of you are attending the World Sanskrit Conference this July in Vancouver? As best I know, there will be a roundtable discussion of digital humanities issues in addition to the panel on computational Sanskrit and DH.
All the best,
On 2018. 04. 13. 18:56, Camillo Formigatti wrote:
I totally share Peter’s remark, my disappointment is surely not towards the TEI initiative, which is more than laudable. I’ve just become more political in my thinking lately.
Dr Camillo A. Formigatti John Clay Sanskrit Librarian
Bodleian Libraries The Weston Library Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG
Email: camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk <mailto:camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk> Tel. (office): 01865 (2)77208 www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk <http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/>
GROW YOUR MIND in Oxford University’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums www.mindgrowing.org <http://www.mindgrowing.org/>
From: Peter Scharf [mailto:scharf@sanskritlibrary.org <mailto:scharf@sanskritlibrary.org>] Sent: 13 April 2018 17:53 To: Camillo Formigatti <camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk> <mailto:camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk> Cc: indic-texts@lists.tei-c.org <mailto:indic-texts@lists.tei-c.org> Subject: Re: [Indic-texts] indic-texts Digest, Vol 3, Issue 8
I also will not be going principally for financial reasons, although I recognize that TEI is a non-profit organization that makes its materials available free on the internet and is not making a buck off of us. This is one of the reasons I use TEI Ms. to catalog mss. and not some new cataloguing conventions recently established in the U.S. Still I appreciate Camillo's sentiments about conferences and publishers that do profit off the work of scholars. Yours, Peter
****************************** Peter M. Scharf, President The Sanskrit Library scharf@sanskritlibrary.org <mailto:scharf@sanskritlibrary.org> http://sanskritlibrary.org <http://sanskritlibrary.org/> ******************************
On 13 Apr. 2018, at 3:59 PM, Camillo Formigatti <camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk <mailto:camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk>> wrote:
(I might try and get money from the Bodleian, let's cross fingers.)
Dr Camillo A. Formigatti John Clay Sanskrit Librarian
Bodleian Libraries The Weston Library Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG
Email: camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk <mailto:camillo.formigatti@bodleian.ox.ac.uk> Tel. (office): 01865 (2)77208 www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk <http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/>
GROW YOUR MIND in Oxford University's Gardens, Libraries and Museums www.mindgrowing.org <http://www.mindgrowing.org/>
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Today's Topics:
1. TEI Conference 2018 (Patrick McAllister)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:09:24 +0200 From: Patrick McAllister <patrick.mcallister@oeaw.ac.at <mailto:patrick.mcallister@oeaw.ac.at>> To: "indic-texts\@lists.tei-c.org" <mailto:indic-texts\@lists.tei-c.org> <indic-texts@lists.tei-c.org <mailto:indic-texts@lists.tei-c.org>> Subject: [Indic-texts] TEI Conference 2018 Message-ID: <8737003fe3.fsf@oeaw.ac.at <mailto:8737003fe3.fsf@oeaw.ac.at>> Content-Type: text/plain
Dear list members,
I would like to set up a meeting of our SIG at the TEI Conference 2018 in Tokyo. Are any of you planning to attend the conference and would you be interested to have a short (1-2 hours) meeting?
(The CFP is here: https://tei2018.dhii.asia/node/5 <https://tei2018.dhii.asia/node/5>, by the way.)
Best wishes,
-- Patrick McAllister
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