Dear colleagues, I am trying to encode a text from Bali built up around Sanskrit stanzas, which are followed by Old Javanese glosses. The glosses themselves are interspersed with Sanskrit elements, generally (but not always) chunks from the root text. Here’s an example from e-text that’s going to be TEI encoded. <KMN21s-ab> na te 'tra vimatiḥ kāryā nirviśaṅkena cetasā <KMN21s-cd> prakāśaya mahātulaṁ mantracaryānayam param ||21|| c. Speijer notes that the reading mahātulaṁ is unmetrical. <KMN21j> ka: hayva kita vicikitsa, NIRVIŚAṄKENA CETASĀ, ikaṅ nissandeha atah ambĕka[ka]nta, PRAKĀŚAYA MAHĀTULAṀ [msA-a17] MANTRACĀRYYANAYAM PARAṀ, at pintonakna ike, saṅ hyaṅ mantranaya mahāyāna. How would you propose to encode a chunk like NIRVIŚAṄKENA CETASĀ? Options I have thought of (with Andrew Ollett) are: (1) <quote type="pratīka">nirviśaṅkena cetasā<quote> (2) <term>nirviśaṅkena cetasā<term> In the second solution, I could also add <gloss> to the string ikaṅ nissandeha atah ambĕka[ka]nta. But I am hoping that this is not mandatory. Neither of the two solutions immediately helps if I wanted to have a mechnism that links the pratīka with the corresponding words in the mūla. Very similar if not identical phenomena also need to be encoded in Indian texts, so it would probably be useful to come of with a collective recommendation. Looking forward to receiving your suggestions. Arlo Griffiths