Dear colleagues, I wish to read the text in the attached xml file with students in Paris this Thursday, and I need to be able to do so in an at least moderately reader-friendly manner. I have tried the TEI P5 XHTLM transformation scheme built into Oxygen and get the result also attached. I don’t understand why none of the @resp and @source values get picked up in the apparatus, why the value of @wit gets printed in bold only in note 8 (lemma samatā), and why note numbers are created in the text but not in the apparatus. It would also be nice if @type values on <lem> and <rdg> (‘em’ and ‘norm’) were displayed in the apparatus, but since these are user-specific I realize I won’t be able to use a prefabricated scheme for this. Would you be able to recommend (and/or share) a scheme that would do better at displaying this xml code, or that would do well as displaying it if I made some small modifications to the xml code? Unfortunately I am still xslt-illiterate, so unable to create a usable scheme of my own. Thanks for your help. Best wishes, Arlo Griffiths